Yorba Linda, California
Welcome to the Yorba Linda site for Yeroushalmi Law, specializing in nursing home neglect. This site has been specifically created for you as an information source about elder abuse. Skilled Nursing Facilities are meant to specialize in care for the elderly, but unfortunately it is common for these institutions to take advantage of your loved one’s dependent state. It is unconscionable that nursing homes neglect and abuse their residents, placing them in dangerous situations harmful to life and self-respect.
Yorba Linda was founded by the Yorba family from land granted to Spanish explorers back in 1809. The town remained small in size and largely focused on agriculture until its incorporation in 1976. Today Yorba Linda is one of the richest cities in the United States. It was the birthplace of Richard Nixon. His house is now a historic landmark, as is the Don Bernardo Yorba Ranch House. Yorba Linda is also home to the Black Gold Golf Course, which has been named one of the best city owned golfing sites in California. Local news is served up by the Yorba Linda Star, established in 1917. The area is ideal for equestrian enthusiasts as the city is home to over 100 miles in horse trails. There is currently one nursing home serving Yorba Linda.
It is the job of a skilled nursing home to take of the elderly and provide for their needs. Unfortunately, this does not always happen and nursing home residents can become the victims of neglect and abuse. One of the factors that results in substandard care for the elder is understaffing. Many nursing homes do not provide adequate numbers of trained nursing staff to maintain their residents’ health and quality of life. The harm that can come from understaffing is great. Injuries that can be avoided by providing adequate care include bedsores, falls, and weight loss. One unacceptable result of understaffing is the use of chemical restraints. When nursing homes do not have enough staff to take care of their residents in person, they may employ medications to subdue and restrain their patients. Common chemical restraints used include antipsychotics and antidepressants. Such medications can be given without the authorization of a physician or the consent of the patient or his or her guardian. The employment of medications as chemical restraints can result in polypharmacy, the use of too many drugs at one time. Polypharmacy is dangerous and can cause patients to become aggravated, bring on symptoms of dementia, and increase the likelihood of harmful side effects.
If you believe that your loved one is being adversely affected by understaffing at his or her nursing home, you should take action. Skilled nursing facilities are required by law to provide an adequate level of patient care to all of their residents. Here at Yeroushalmi Law we are experienced in all the aspects of nursing home neglect and elder abuse litigation. Contact us today to see what we can do to help ensure that you or your loved one receives the proper care that you are entitled to. See how we can help you in a free consultation here at our offices.