Welcome to the City of Vernon’s elder abuse and neglect website for Yeroushalmi Law. Mr. Yeroushalmi and his team associate attorneys and experts specialize in elder law pertaining to nursing home and assisted living facility cases. They are passionate about protecting the rights of the elderly and pursue their cases with vigor.
Vernon is located five miles away from downtown Los Angeles, California. According to the 2010 United States Census, the population in the city was 112—the smallest population of any city in California. Vernon is home to primarily industrial plants and promotes itself as “Exclusively Industrial.” The number of meatpacking plants and warehouses in the area are many. The industrial city is 5.2 square miles and consists of over 1,800 businesses that provide jobs to an estimated 55,000 people, playing a major role for the economy.
In regards to future endeavors, Vernon strives to become a leader in positive environmental change. The city plans on establishing an effective wind and solar-generated electricity system, as well as various other environmentally responsible developments. Vernon is committed to creating a climate action plan and a Green Industrial Development Plan in order to foster the city’s serious issues such as improving energy efficiency.
Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is an infection that causes severe disease and death. About 29, 300 people have died in the U.S. within 30 days of receiving a diagnosis of C. difficile. The majority of these deaths were among patients with health care-associated infection. The magnitude and scope of the infection is evolving. Hospitalization for C. difficile infection doubled in the U.S. from 2000 through 2010 and is continuing to increase. This infection is the leading cause of gastroenteritis-associated death and was the cause of 14,000 deaths in 2007. It is the most common cause of health care-associated infections in U.S. hospitals. C. difficile has resulted in excess health care costs of up to $4.8 billion for acute care facilities alone. Moreover, increasing reports of C. difficile are occurring outside of acute care facilities, including environments within communities and nursing homes, where infection may be diagnosed and treated without hospitalization.
In 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted active population- and laboratory-based surveillance for C. difficile across 10 U.S. geographic areas. The examination concluded that C. difficile was the culprit of almost half a million infections in the U.S. in 2011. Approximately 83,000 of these patients with such infections experienced at least one recurrence, and 29,000 died within 30 days of receiving a diagnosis. Individuals 65 years of age or older, whites, and females had the highest incidences. Only about 24% of cases occurred within hospital settings and nearly 345, 400 cases occurred outside of hospitals. This indicates that the prevention of C. difficile infection needs to expand beyond hospital settings. C. difficile infection must continue to be closely observed in order to create effective preventative measures. In the meantime, long-term care settings such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities must stay vigilant when overseeing their elderly residents. Contact our office today, if you have experienced poor treatment as a resident in one of these types of facilities.