The Los Angeles physical abuse lawyers of the Yeroushalmi Law are experienced in fighting cases involving physical abuse to elderly individuals. Our lawyers hold nursing homes and assisted living facilities accountable where preventable abuse and neglect has occurred, including resident-on-resident abuse, and work hard to help victims of abuse receive the maximum results possible.
Although physical abuse can come from nursing home or assisted living facility staff, it is more common that abuse stems from the actions of other patients or residents. Resident-on-resident abuse is relatively less common than the commission of neglect by a nursing home or assisted living facility, but there is evidence that it is widespread enough to be of concern, with some studies reporting that as many as one-in-five patients or residents being a victim of this type of abuse.
Resident-on-resident abuse is characterized as verbal, psychological, physical, and sexual abuse between residents, and can commonly result in many physical injuries, including lacerations, bruises, and fractures, as well as psychological conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Residents who commit abuse against other residents tend to suffer from mood disorders or cognitive impairments. The most common issues arising in this type of abuse are issues between roommates, verbal aggression, unprovoked assault, and unconsented sexual behavior, all of which have serious and significant psychological and physical consequences, and in some cases, can result in preventable death. These concerns illustrate the substantial need for individualized and facility-wide procedures and protocol to prevent the occurrence of resident-on-resident abuse.
According to federal and state law governing nursing homes and assisted living facilities, patients and residents have the affirmative right to be free from abuse, which includes abuse from other patients or residents. If you or your loved one has suffered from abuse by another patient, you can report the abuse to the facility staff, a local long-term care ombudsman, or a state regulatory agency. You may also wish to contact an experienced physical abuse attorney in Los Angeles if abuse by another patient or resident has resulted in serious injury or death.
Despite the fact that this type of abuse is committed by another patient or resident, nursing homes and assisted living facilities have an affirmative duty to protect its resident population from unnecessary and foreseeable harm. Staff should be trained to recognize how these incidents occur and should have relevant policies and procedures in place to prevent the commission of abuse by one resident on another. This can include screening residents upon admission to a facility, supervising and monitoring certain patients and residents more closely, and quickly intervening when abuse has occurred. Facilities should also be well-staffed in order to properly supervise and care for all patients or residents who reside there. Reports suggest that there is a dire need for nursing and caregiving staff to be educated and trained in recognizing and intervening in resident-on-resident abuse, and that such abuse can be reduced and even prevented with the proper educational programs in place.
Generally, the prevention of resident-on-resident abuse is the duty of nursing homes and assisted living facilities, who have been entrusted with the care and custody of elderly individuals. If your loved one has suffered harm due to the abuse of another patient or resident, please contact the physical abuse attorneys at Yeroushalmi Law in Los Angeles today. The attorneys at our offices are experts in nursing home and assisted living facility litigation and we will rigorously pursue your case until a just resolution is achieved.