The City of Delano has 3 skilled nursing facilities that serve Delano’s older adult community. Los Angeles Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Ben Yeroushalmi wants you to be aware that there are many risk factors that can jeopardize the safety, health, and overall wellbeing of Delano older adult residents in these types of long-term care facilities. Mr. Yeroushalmi and his team of experienced elder abuse lawyers and support staff understand the risks and vulnerabilities of these older adult residents. We are passionate about advocating for victims of abuse and neglect in these facilities and are prepared to fight for a just resolution for those wronged.
Substantial research has shown that the rate of pressure ulcers among nursing home residents in the United States continues to increase, despite more than 30 years of the implementation of prevention guidelines. The attorneys at Yeroushalmi Law want you to be knowledgeable of the risks many Delano nursing home residents have of developing pressure ulcers. These elderly residents are extremely vulnerable to pressure ulcers due to their long periods of stay in a nursing facility and their risk of losing their mobility.
Many studies indicate that a substantial number of strategies to pressure ulcer prevention exist. Quality improvement initiatives in skilled nursing facilities have also had some effect on the health outcomes of residents. However, not much is known regarding how to obtain successful and continuous application of pressure ulcer prevention methods. One study found that the rate of reported implementation of more guideline-specific care practices and interventions was not greater at nursing facilities with lower pressure ulcer incidence rates compared with those that had higher rates. Additionally, on its own, it is not enough to mandate pressure ulcer risk assessment and classifying to decrease the prevalence of pressure ulcers. Elder abuse and neglect attorney Ben Yeroushalmi believes that Delano skilled nursing facilities must ensure that they have adequate staffing levels, as well as ensure that their staff is well trained and educated about pressure ulcer prevention.
According to a recent article titled “Contextual Facilitators of and Barriers to Nursing Home Pressure Ulcer Prevention” published by the journal Advanced Skin Wound Care, effective circumstantial factors related to skilled nursing facility pressure ulcer prevention implementation can include an increased level of management involvement and leadership among nursing staff and a high level of quality improvement care providers. However, elder abuse attorney Ben Yeroushalmi is aware that not all nursing facilities have the resources necessary to implement these factors to ensure high-quality preventative care to their residents. Moreover, many skilled nursing facilities are not able to implement successful programs that allow nursing staff to prioritize pressure ulcer prevention.
At Yeroushalmi Law, we know that pressure ulcers are preventable in skilled nursing facilities with high quality of care and high supervision by nursing staff. The incidence of pressure ulcers in this type of long-term care facility is a strong indicator of elder abuse and negligence. If you or a loved one has suffered from pressure ulcers due to the inadequate care of nursing staff in a skilled nursing facility, contact our office toll free at 888-606-3453.